Final shot TV / FM - SAT Final (5dB) Ref: 5229 Televes. These jacks are used for signal distribution up to 2400 MHz . With the four available values can form a cascade with well equalized signal values . This jack is used at the end of the waterfall, with a loss of 4 dB to 5 dB for UHF and FI . With current step in FI .
The design of thetighteningof the livinghas been enhancedto comply withspecifications ofcable operators.With this enhancement,the pressure systemwould meetthe following specifications:
For amini cable4.4 mmoverall diameter,theweight would besupported:
greater than 4Kglivewithfasteningmesh. more than 2kglivewithfasteningonly.
For aT100typecable, theweight would besupported:
over 12kglivewithfasteningmesh. greater than 5kglivewithfasteningonly.